Questions about Latex


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My experience of 2 days writing this markup language has given me to understand so far to be certainly very limited in various appendices, although I do not know and know how to expand directly with the features offered. Then came the following doubts that I sought and did not find specifically, only in general. I know it might not be the right place but come on;

1) Latex elements for example (summary) are editable ? for example, can I change the summary name and put Index ? or exchange the numeration for Roman numerals?

2) Is the source exchange easy or need to install packages ? for example, I want to use Times New Roman Font in a paragraph (linux doesn’t have it), so how can I use?

3) 10pt, 11pt and 12pt are the standards, there is no 13pt ? or larger font sizes ?

4) there are Sub Section, Subsubsection, and Sub Paragraph, but if I want more than 5 hierarchical elements ?

5) there is some text editor equal to word that already mounts the structure in Latex code ?

  • 2

    SOPT is more liberal about what can be posted and I think Latex can. That said, if it’s no problem to ask the question in English at Latex Stackexchange you can get excellent answers.

  • I will yes take a look, thank you very much, big hug !.

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    SOPT already has several questions from [tag:latex]. It is not a question merely of being liberal - regardless of the purpose of use, it is a language compiled and accepted as in the scope of the site. Of course, it’s always good to remember that there is a specific site in English, as quoted by fellow @hugomg. :)

3 answers


1) Latex elements for example (summary) are editable ? for example, can I change the summary name and put Index ? or exchange the numeration for Roman numerals?

Tex is extremely flexible. If you’re using some ready-made template (like the one they tell you to use at my university) some things can be hard to change but in general you can do almost anything if you’re willing to poke around.

2) Is the source exchange easy or need to install packages ? for example, I want to use Times New Roman Font in a paragraph (linux doesn’t have it), so how can I use?

You can change the source but I believe you need to install some package yes.

3) 10pt, 11pt and 12pt are the standards, there is no 13pt ? or larger font sizes ?

To tell you the truth I never changed the font size. Using the pattern makes your document more similar to other.

But I guess it’s just a matter of installing some package that is missing or using a latex implementation with variable font support.

4) there are Sub Section, Subsubsection, and Sub Paragraph, but if I want more than 5 hierarchical elements ?

Subdivisions below subparagraph are very specific. If you get to that point it’s a sign that some of your sessions deserve to be promoted to a chapter :)

5) there is some text editor equal to word that already mounts the structure in Latex code ?

The only text editor I know with a face more "what you see is what you get" is Lyx. If you only need an "IDE for Latex" with shortcuts to insert formulas, lists, etc there are others like Texmaker.

  • 1

    genius. liked the 4! I will seek to know about Latex Stackexchange, thank you very much, great hug !.


1) Latex elements for example (summary) are editable ? by example, I can change the summary name and put Index ? or change the numeration by Roman numerals?

Yes. Just reset the commands (within the document section) with the command \renewcommand\elemento{novo nome para o elemento}, where \elemento is one of the following commands (the source is this answer in SOEN):

  • Summary: \abstractname
  • Appendix: \appendixname
  • Bibliography: \bibname
  • Chapter: \chaptername
  • Contents: \contentsname
  • Index: \indexname
  • List of Figures: \listfigurename
  • List of Tables: \listtablename
  • Part: \partname
  • References: \refname

For example:

\renewcommand\chaptername{Capítulo bem Capitulado}

2) Font exchange is easy or you need to install packages ? for example, i want to use Times New Roman Font in a paragraph (on linux no), so how can I use?

It’s easy to switch Latex native font families with the command \fontfamily within a scope (in the example below, the keys). There are other commands, such as \fontsize and \textcolor (more details in English, on this page). For example:

    Escreva todos os seus documentos com a fonte Helvética tamanho 18pt!

I believe that Latex doesn’t have the Times New Roman natively, but for all I know it can use the Times Roman with the pslatex package. Is it worth the question on tex stackexchange. as suggested in comments.

3) 10pt, 11pt and 12pt are the standards, there is no 13pt ? or larger font sizes ?

Yes, as illustrated in the previous example, using the command \fontsize.

4) There are Sub Section, Subsubsection, and Sub Paragraph, but what if I want more than 5 hierarchical elements ?

There are the commands \section, \subsection and \subsubsection. If you have to divide further, follow the advice of fellow @hugomg and think about splitting into chapters.

5) there is some text editor equal to word that already mounts the structure in Latex code ?

I came to answer that there is the Texmaker, as fellow @hugomg also quoted, but only later realized that you wanted an editor WYSIWYG. In that case, I don’t know. I think it should not be a very popular idea, because the principle of Tex/Latex is precisely not to worry about formatting but about content.

P.S.: Full functional example (also in Overleaf):




% PERGUINTA 1 ---------------------
\renewcommand\chaptername{Capítulo bem Capitulado}
% ---------------------------------




Este trabalho tem várias motivações.

\subsection{Primeira Motivação}

Ganhar muito dinheiro!

\subsection{Segunda Motivação}

Ganhar ainda mais dinheiro!

\chapter{Realização do Trabalho}



\item Ter uma ideia brilhante!
\item Arrumar alguém com dinheiro pra investir na ideia brilhante!
\item Implementar a ideia brilhante!
\item Colher os louros do sucesso!


E mais:

% PERGUINTA 2 ---------------------
Escreva todos os seus documentos com a fonte Helvética tamanho 18pt!
% ---------------------------------

  • In the question you are referring to Latex as a markup language, is that correct? Wouldn’t it be a programming language? Following as a basis the concepts of the Turing machine I believe it would be programming but I hardly know the language, so I’m not sure

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    @Guilhermecostamilam Look, I can’t really tell. But I would say that it is essentially a language of marking by intent to use. Can you program something more robust into it? You can even (in fact, it also has decision commands and stream repetition), but it’s so much more difficult (and impractical and intuitive) to use it for that that I think it makes more sense to think of Latex as a markup language.


A little answer opinioned:

On linux, install a full Latex, texworks, pandoc.

Anything goes to start Latex.

But after the first few experiments, what we want is:

  • concentrate (only) on the content.
  • do not disperse with mariquices -- (if we leave it, tex mormalmente hit!).

The advantage of Latex is to allow us to think in concepts and not in aspect.

  1. ...fonts -- when typing text we don’t care about sources (if it becomes critical, then we’ll put together a \usepackage... to settle these details)
  2. ...font sizes -- We don’t want to be detailing sizes (if it becomes critical, we can choose a "multiplicative factor" that enters as a parameter in the \documentclass[]{...})
  3. ...text editor equal to word -- exists but you are much better served with systems other than WYSIWYG like the texworks which make it possible to see the marking of the concepts and do not distract with the final aspect.
  4. certainly very limited in several appendices -- do not agree! -- to get an idea of what Latex is, look at CTAN (Comprehensive tex Archive network) (starts with the packages of the letter A

Or try the following Latex (describe concepts, and the tool deals with the rest):


\setchessboard{setpieces= {Ke1, qa1, ke3} }


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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