How to place a border on a <tr> that appears above the edge of the <td>?


Viewed 6,036 times


I was developing a screen, which contained a table with a style tr:hover for when the user hovers over the lines of it, they look different. Everything was going well until the moment I decided I wanted to put one "blessed edge" round the line on :hover, whereas the <td>'s already have edge.

Demo at Jsfiddle

Turns out the edge of the <tr> does not appear in front. And then what to do?

  • @Pauloroberto: cara, the grammar of its edition is not better not... "of which it has", "of which the user passes the mouse"...

1 answer


Explanation based on experiments:

It turns out that when the edges of the table are with the attribute collapsed, the <tr>'s and <td>'s share the same edges. Therefore, there is no way to display the edge of the <tr> at the same time as <td>... but that’s not the whole story.

There is a rule for the border defined in the style of the <tr> is used instead of the one defined in the <td>.

Experimentally, I noticed that thicker edges have priority. So if the thicker edge is in the <tr>, this is the one that will be used. If both have the same thickness, the border defined for the <td> will be used.

  • 3 pixels (highest priority)
  • 2 pixels
  • 1 pixel (lowest priority)

Using separate units also does not seem to affect... what matters is the actual measure calculated. If 0.1em result in 2 pixels, then you will have more priority than the edge of 1px.

Different styles also have different priorities. In Chrome and Firefox the following priority queue is worth:

  • Hidden (highest priority)
  • double
  • Solid
  • dashed
  • dotted (lowest priority)

    P.S.: I’m ignoring all styles of 3D borders

The order of styles, or put !important in style has no effect.

How to solve the problem?

To solve the original problem, with a 1 pixel edge, we can use a hack: use double style with 1px on <tr>, and a style Solid with 1px in <td>, making the style set for the <td> finally appear.

tr:hover {
    border: 1px double red;

td {
    border: 1px solid gray;

Demo at Jsfiddle

  • 1

    @Pauloroberto: Already here, your edition helped... really "story", is just for short stories. As everything here is facts, so "story" is much better.

  • 1

    @Pauloroberto: Besides having helped with the TD’s and TR’s... thanks guy!

  • have :}

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