Imageview - Defining Drawable by path


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Hello I’m starting on Android and I’m with a small project that would be a memory game. So to "shuffle the cards" I created a function that stores in an array of integers called codimg numbers from 1 to 12 random and different. Inside the folder drawable I have 12 images that have the same name changing only the end with a numbering. I also have an array of Imageview called images

To set the images I have used the lines below

for (i = 0; i <= codimg.length; i++) {

           File file = new File("/app/src/main/res/drawable/img" + codimg[i]+".png");


However something I have done wrong because it returns the error below for all images, they are not found.

.jogodamemoria E/Bitmapfactory Unable to Decode stream: /app/src/main/res/drawable/img11.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

The path and exactly how it appears.

I hope you can help me, thank you!

1 answer


My suggestion for this case is to use the API of Resources to do so. Given the name of Resource it is possible to recover your identifier with the method below:

public int getImageDrawableResId(String imageId) {
    Resources resources = getResources();
    return resources.getIdentifier(imageId, "drawable", getPackageName());

To use just call by passing the name of drawable:

for (i = 0; i <= codimg.length; i++) {
    int drawableId = getImageDrawableResId("img" + codimg[i]);
    Drawable dr = getResouces().getDrawable(drawableId);


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