"Pure" structs (no pointer) and C error handling


Viewed 316 times


Messing with data structures (filas, pilhas, etc), I reached an impasse in trying to create search functions for these structures.

By default, functions that can contain errors return 0 or even -1 when the return type is an integer.

But what if the return type of a function is a struct and an error has been found?

When searching for a certain type of data in a tree, for example, in a function with the following prototype:

typedef struct registro {
    int valor;
    // outros dados...
} Registro;

// Supondo que o tipo Árvore já foi criado

Registro busca(Arvore a, int valor);

If the record is found in the tree, beauty, returns the struct that contains this value. But what if it is not found? Return what?

  • 1

    The most recommended thing is to think about pointers - the idea of returning the structs themselves may seem simpler - but inside the program strange things happen: either you manage the memory allocation for your struct manually, or, if it is a variable declared within its function, the values of the function returned from the previous call can be changed by a new call to the function.

  • Some of these answers answered him?

4 answers


If you cannot change the function to return a pointer and return NULL in case of error, I suggest an element with special value

const struct registro especial_erro = {-1, ...};
struct registro busca(Arvore a, int valor) {
    /* ... */
    if (erro) return especial_erro;

If you can change the function, use NULL to indicate error

struct registro *busca(Arvore a, int valor) {
    /* ... */
    if (erro) return NULL;
  • Good suggestion this first for the case of demanding people.


You must use pointers to return searches in the dynamic data structure. Even because it is made and assembled entirely with their help. Do

void *busca(Arvore a, int valor); /* o poder do casting do void em C: 
                                     utilize ele! */

And return NULL if you do not find the value. Return a pointer to the desired structure if you find such a value in your tree.


Retouch NULL.

Since the return will be of type Struct, return NULL and do a check similar to that:

void foo(){
    if(retornaStruct() == NULL){ // Com erro, retornado NULL
  • That’s the thing, if I used pointer to struct it would be easy, because I would do what you said, I would return NULL in the function.. The problem is if I wanted to work with structs without the pointer, you know?


Code removing a Node, in it it is possible to see the return types, see that the return is a noL (in the header noL *remove_no_lista) and that there is a return NULL at the end of the post return of structs type noL (specified type of return).

typedef struct No
        char info;
        int numeracao; // facilita a busca em caso de duplicacao
        struct No *esq,*dir;
typedef struct NoL
        no *noA;
        struct NoL *prox;

noL *remove_no_lista(noL *raiz,noL *noLista)
        if(noLista != NULL)
               noL *p = NULL;
               if(noLista == raiz)//caso seja raiz
                        p = raiz;
                        raiz = raiz->prox;
                        return raiz;
                        if(noLista->prox == NULL) //caso tenha 2 ou mais na lista
                                for(p = raiz; p->prox->prox != NULL; p = p->prox);
                                p->prox = NULL;
                                return raiz;
                                        for(p = raiz; p->prox != noLista; p = p->prox);//meio da lista
                                        p->prox = noLista->prox;
                                        return raiz;
            return NULL;

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