Can I open a dll extension without entering php.ini?


Viewed 199 times


I need to use the php_openssl.dll, but I don’t have access to php.ini, the server is foreign and also the support is difficult to access.


Is there any way to use it without getting into php.ini?

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2 answers


Command line:

The parameter -d is used to set values in the file .ini:

php -dextension=php_openssl.dll

Running time:

This function has been removed since version 5.3

To load the extension at runtime, use the function dl:


if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
    } else {
  • It is possible to put in a file . php? <? php -dextension=php_openssl.dll ?>

  • I edited the answer. @Felipejorge

  • @lucio-Rubens, according to the PHP website the function dl() was removed in PHP 5.3 (see: =/

  • I added the info. Thanks for the signage! @Mateusdemboski

  • This information is very useful but the version of my PHP is 5.3.29.


Assuming you are using apache and you are allowed to do so, it is possible to use a file . htaccess with the following content:

#verifica se o módulo do PHP 5 para o apache foi carregado
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
#define o caminho para sua pasta de extensões
php_xtension_dir /caminh/absoluto/para/sua/pasta/de/extencoes/
#carrega os modulos
  • And how would I put this inside the php file?

  • Hello @Felipe-Jorge! This code does not go inside a PHP file but, like this in response, in a file .htaccess, which should be created preferably at the root of the project.

  • This file can have any name. For example dll.htaccess?

  • No, it needs to be named . htaccess

  • but it has no extension?

  • Because then, that name comes from linux, where the "." indicates that it is a hidden file, so it has no extension and, unless you change the apache settings, the file needs to be named ". htaccess"...

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