Compare if there is already a record in BD Mysql


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I am creating a room reservation system, and I have the following columns in my table:


My question is how to make the customer only be able to book a vacant room, and if you try to book an already reserved room return an error message.

A reservation at the bank would look something like this:

o cliente "jose"
data_inicial: 22/05/2015 
data_final 22/05/2015
horario inicial 11:00
horario final 12:00
sala 01

If another client tries to book the room after 12:00 it will be released, but from 11:00 until 12:00, no.

  • Explain your situation better. Are you using any programming language to interact with the Bank? If so, which one? What environment? Detail your tools. And add more tags. I suggest a headline more in line with the question like, "How do I check for matching dates in the database?". It might attract more people.

  • Opa the language that this interacting is php is a simple reservation system for example if there is already a reservation marked for the initial date the final date the initial time the final time and in the same then can not

  • You repeated it three times what want to do (counting the comment above) not repeat so much. Explain one instead intelligibly. Add to the question the code you already have. What have you tried? Edit your question with the necessary information.

2 answers


Well, come on.

First, your table has serious structuring problems, you do not keep (at least in this table) at any time what the customer is making the reservation, and also saves the final/start time and minute in 4 columns when you can easily use only 2 columns DATETIME, then, restructuring her table, she would look like this:

| Field           | Type         | Null | Key | Default           | Extra          |
| reserva_id      | smallint(6)  | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment |
| cliente         | varchar(100) | NO   |     | NULL              |                |
| sala            | smallint(3)  | NO   |     | NULL              |
| reservado_em    | timestamp    | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |                |
| datahora_inicio | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL              |                |
| datahora_fim    | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL              |                |

* Note that the field cliente is text, ideal is you change this field to cliente_id and set a foreign key.

Code CREATE table:

CREATE TABLE `reservas` (
	`cliente` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
	`datahora_inicio` DATETIME NOT NULL,
	`datahora_fim` DATETIME NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (`reserva_id`)

This way, you can register a reservation using:

insert into reservas(cliente, sala, datahora_inicio, datahora_fim) values('José', 001, '2015-05-25 11:00:00', '2015-05-25 11:59:59');

Then you can check if at the time chosen by the customer who is trying to make a reservation is already booked using:

select * 
  from reservas 
 where (
            (datahora_inicio between '2015-05-25 11:00:00' and '2015-05-25 11:59:59') or
            (datahora_fim between '2015-05-25 11:00:00' and '2015-05-25 11:59:59')
   and sala = 1;

See the example in Sqlfiddle for you to test the queries.

  • Brigadão Eduardo I will remake it and I will try to thank the comment


SELECT count(*) FROM agenda WHERE agenda_sala = <id_da_sala> AND agenda_hora_inicial = <hora_inicial> AND agenda_hora_final = <hora_final> AND agenda_data_inicial = <data_inicial> AND agenda_data_final = <data_final>;

If return 0, it is pq has no scheduling for that room at the stipulated date and time.

  • If initial time is different from the end the query will not work. You’ll let me mark a record from 7 to 9 and another from 8 to 10 in the same room.

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