MVC 5 template or other: initial user form, information, database


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Templates that come in VS2013 or any other version, when starting a project, it mounts a menu with: Home, About, Contact, Register and Login.

Question: How does it store information from the default new user logs? Where is it stored?

1 answer


I had to adjust the original question to answer because the question made no sense, given the author’s original doubt. I will keep the answer with the original version and the amendments below for historical reasons, as the meaning of the question has completely changed with the edition. For the purpose of the answer, please consider only the second section, "where the data is recorded".

Where are the Visual Studio templates?

The templates usually stay here:

C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 Common7 IDE Itemtemplates

Then the directories are divided by project default. For example, C# Web projects are here:

C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 Common7 IDE Itemtemplates Csharp Web

Archives .vstemplate are XML files. You can open them in your text editor of your choice.

There are also the files .tt and .t4, which are transformation template files. They are used for the Scaffolding. I wrote this article about Scaffolding explaining the general principle.

Where user information is initially stored in applications generated by template in Visual Studio?

For the case of ASP.NET Identity, I answered here. Also valid for Membership.

For the previous generation of forms at the time of Web Forms (called Simple Membership), there were two ways:

That is, for Membership and latest technologies, the default is a file .mdb inside the directory App_Data your own project. For previous technologies, it depends on.

  • Hi, I don’t think I was clear on the question. The question is: How do I recover the recorded data when the user logs, using the Register form that comes with it. A colleague on another site answered this: Oh yes, so he creates a structure on localdb. Check the Webconfig of the database’s Connection string application to find out the name of the database created. The information will be there.

  • @pnet I edited the answer.

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