Correction in the presentation of the status bar created with the Airline plugin


Viewed 74 times


I installed the plugin Airline in order to have a custom status bar in my editor, as seen in the figure below:

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However, my editor’s status bar is displaying the <, >> and <symbols. How to fix this problem?

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1 answer


Solving the reported problem consists of downloading the project sources Powerline and install them in the system, as the fonts of this project provide custom symbols. Let’s go to the steps:

Donwload from the sources

First, download the sources. These can be downloaded from the project link at github or from the command:

git clone


After obtaining the source package, you should run the file .install to install these. The directory will be created ~/.fonts, if this does not exist. This directory is used in linux for installing fonts.

Terminal configuration

Change the type of font used in your command terminal. If you use gnome-terminal, you go to Edit > Profile Preferences and edit the font type for one of the Powerline fonts. In my case, I chose the font Meslo LG S Regular for Powerline.


The result is a more elegant, more useful status bar that allows faster identification of the editing modes used at the time of editing the text, giving possibility to increase productivity.

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