Update dlls in client


Viewed 355 times


I have a software that communicates with a Mysql 4.1.14 database.

I installed a new server for Mysql 5.6 tests, but when I communicate with the new database, the message appears stating that the client does not support the authentication protocol requested by the server. Consider updating the customer.

This software is just one . exe with tres dlls in the same executable folder:

  • libmysql.dll
  • libpq.dll
  • libpq721.dll

To update the client, I just need these new dlls? If yes, how to find the correct ones, because I tried to download some, but only got worse.

The software is made in Delphi and I have the source, I need to change something in this source to update the client?

2 answers


It seems that libpq are for Postgree access and should not be necessary to access Mysql.

Since you have tried only to copy the new Dlls and it did not work, your current EXE cannot access the new Dlls, or they are not the correct ones.

Considering the previous paragraph and that the new Dlls are correct, in the simplest case, update only libmysql.

If it does not work, in the next case, still simple, it will only be necessary to compile your program with the new libraries, so that Linker makes the correct connections. If the program compiles without errors, it will most likely work, otherwise it may need some change in code.

I don’t remember well, but I think the Mysql 5 server can be configured to accept the same version 4 security, which may be another alternative if the client update is not possible.

Edition 2015-05-22: The protocol must be specified in the Zeosdbo component, and is different for Mysql version 4 and 5. For version 5, try using <componente>.Protocol = 'mysqld-5'. If there is connectionString, it is not the same protocol as it is of the same component, check box.

If Zeosdbo does not have this option, check for an update to the component (http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/). Only I might have to check if it’s still compatible with the code.

  • I already changed the password to the old format, but it did not help. In the program code, it does not use any reference to the Mysql version. I believe only updating the dlls should resolve. My question would be, how to find the correct dll?

  • I forgot to comment. The software uses the Zeos 5.4 component to make transactions with DB. I found nothing concrete, but will this version of Zeos that does not accept Msyql 5.6?

  • I edited the answer, could be the property Protocol of the Zeosdob component.


If the database is Mysql, you only need libmysql.dll. To be compatible you would have to downgrade by installing Mysql Server 4 on your machine, after that look for the dll libmysql.dll in its installation folder and put it in place of the one that Voce has today. Configuring the Zconnection component stating the correct version of Mysql is also important.

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