How to generate value by clicking on an input type Submit


Viewed 1,185 times


Form to send selected data for deletion.

<form action="index.php?pagina=../controller/controllerUser&acao=ok" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">           
                        <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" value="<?php echo $nome; ?>" name="nome" autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <input class="input-large" type="text" name="cpf"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <input class="input-large" type="text" name="senha"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <label>Repetir a senha:</label>
                        <input class="input-large" type="text" name="confirmarSenha"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <input class="input-medium" type="text" name="cep"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="descricao"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                        <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="complemento" autofocus=""> <br/>

                <div class="span6">

                        <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="email" autofocus=""> <br/>

                    <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="telefone"  autofocus=""> <br/>

                    <label>Telefone Dois</label>
                    <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="telefoneDois"  autofocus=""> <br/>    

                    <label>Selecione um País</label>
                    <select required="" name="id_pais">

                    <label>Selecione um estado</label>    
                    <select required="" name="idEstado" id="idEstado" onchange="getValorEstado(this.value, 0)">
                        <option selected="" disabled="" value="nulo">Selecione o ESTADO</option>

                    <label>Selecione uma Cidade</label>    
                    <select required="" id="idCidade" name="idCidade">
                        <option selected="" disabled="" value="nulo">Selecione o ESTADO ANTES</option>
                        <!-- chadamada de arquivo aqui com jquery utilizando
                             ajax, o arquivo se encontra uteis/selectCidade.php-->

                    <input class="btn btn-large btn-primary" type="submit" value="salvar">
                    <a class="btn btn-large btn-danger" href="index.php?pagina=PaginaResumo" value="Cancelar">Cancelar</a>

will redirect to the controller page you insert or delete so far.

if (isset($_GET["acao"]) and $_GET["acao"] == "ok") {

//primeiro inserir o endereço
//atributos de endereço
$descricao = $_POST["descricao"];
$complemento = $_POST["complemento"];
$cep = $_POST["cep"];
$idCidade = $_POST["idCidade"];

//objeto de endereco
$endereco = new EnderecoEntity("", $descricao, $complemento, $cep, $idCidade);

//dao de endereço
$daoEndereco = new EnderecoDao();
$idEndereco = $daoEndereco->inserirEndereco($endereco);

//depois inserir o usuário com id de endereço

$nome = $_POST["nome"];
$cpf = $_POST["cpf"];
$senha = $_POST["senha"];

$usuario = new UsuarioEntity("", $nome, $cpf, $senha, $idEndereco);

$usuarioDao = new UsuarioDao();
$idUsuario = $usuarioDao->inserirUsuario($usuario);

//depois inserir o telefone com id de usuário
$telefoneUm = $_POST["telefone"];
$telefoneDois = $_POST["telefoneDois"];

$telefone = new TelefoneEntity("", $telefoneUm, $telefoneDois, $idUsuario);
$telefoneDao = new TelefoneDao();

//depois inserir email com id de usuário
$email = $_POST["email"];
$email = new EmailEntity("", $email, $idUsuario);
$emailDao = new EmailDao();
if (isset($_GET["acao"]) and $_GET["acao"] == "deletar") {

$idEndereco = $_GET["id_endereco"];
$idPessoa = $_GET["id"];
//verificação de confirmação do usuário
<div class="alert alert-error">
    //o ponto de erro é esse sei que vou perder os dados quando tentar retornar para esse form
    <form action="index.php?pagina=../controller/controllerUser&acao=deletarConcluido"> method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        Você realmente deseja excluir o usuário: 
        echo $_GET["nome"];
        echo ' <a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?pagina=PaginaResumo">Não</a>';
        echo ' <input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" value="SIM">';
 if(isset($_GET["acao"]) and $_GET["acao"] == "deletarConcluido") {

    $idEndereco = $_GET["id_endereco"];
    $idPessoa = $_GET["id"];

    //Deletar email
    $emailDao = new EmailDao();

    //deletar telefone
    $telefoneDao = new TelefoneDao();

    //Deletar usuario
    $usuarioDao = new UsuarioDao();

    //Deletar endereço
    $enderecoDao = new EnderecoDao();
  • Puts an Hidden field in the form.

  • the problem is that are two different Forms, ie in one I have a table, and in the other only two buttons, if I pass a variable in this other it loses the previous values, is the mix of php without framework seems servelet.

  • I confess that I didn’t understand it very well, but why would I lose value if I added an Hidden field? It would just be added. You can only run one form at a time, so if you add Hidden to the form that will run, I see no problem. But edit the question and put these forms so I can understand better.

  • 2

    I think the problem is logic, not form. Describe the case better.

  • Make a delete confirmation for a job more suitable for php javascript, post the code of the two Forms.

  • the problem is that I would have to submit the other form, I believe that generating a variable in javascript and passing it could work

  • testei puts it in the controller form like this but it didn’t work <form action="index.php? page=.. /controller/controllerUser&acao=deletarConclude & idEndereco='. <? php echo $idEndereco ? >. '&idPessoa='. <? php echo $idPessoa? >. '" method="POST" enctype="Multipart/form-data">

  • I just did not understand why you do not create the boot delete inside this form? Ai instead of you use the get

  • @Andrei Coelho the functionality of delete is ok, what I need to do is make a confirmation in this form for really the user who wants to delete do this or simply give up and do not do this.

  • Got it. I think javascript solves it. I put the javascript tag in the tags to see if a professional appears in this language

  • @rray I just posted the code, some suggestion?

  • Is this form to create a record and delete? it will be used to make tbm changes?

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2 answers


You can do it that way:

<div class="alert alert-error">
        Você realmente deseja excluir o usuário: 
        echo $_GET["nome"];

        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?pagina=PaginaResumo">Não</a>
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?pagina=../controller/controllerUser&acao=deletarConcluido&id_endereco=<?php echo $id_endereco; ?>&id=<?php echo $id_pessoa; ?>">Sim</a>


Post the result and we’ll get better if you need.


This way you don’t need to generate that form in php, the page won’t even need to be reloaded to generate the confirmation:

function confirmarDelete(delUrl) {
  if (confirm("Você realmente deseja excluir o usuário?")) {
    document.location = delUrl;

<a href="javascript:confirmarDelete('index.php?pagina=../controller/controllerUser&acao=deletarConcluido&id_endereco=<?php echo $id_endereco; ?>&id=<?php echo $id_pessoa; ?>')">Deletar</a>

Remembering that this is a basic way of doing, there are more advanced and more personalized ways, but this will give you a good basis to start.

  • yes had already tried this way, passes the parameters quietly again, even had put in a previous comment, now do not know why it does not enter the check if there is the variable if(isset($_GET['acao'])) { do something.... even showing the action in the url it is not entering this condition.


@Diego Machado everything happened well I only put in the form the variables because the system is almost all that way so it was as follows:

<div class="alert alert-error">
    <form action="index.php?pagina=../controller/controllerUser&novaAcao=deletarConcluido&id_endereco=<?php echo $idEndereco; ?>&id=<?php echo $idPessoa;?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        Você realmente deseja excluir o usuário: 
            echo $_GET["nome"];
            echo ' <a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?pagina=PaginaResumo">Não</a>';
            echo '<input type="submit" value="Sim" class="btn btn-primary" >';

Doubts that remained: 1) Is this the right way to do it? 2) this form is correct?

  • I’ll be honest, I don’t think this is an efficient way. It complicates your code. You probably have a list with buttons to delete, which when clicked lead to that page, right? All the data should be on the link, as I showed. The confirmation should come through a javascript, see this simple example: This way the page does not need to be loaded, and you do not need to create a form to confirm. You will just redirect. I will assemble an example later for you.

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