Classico "Execution of C: . . . failed" in codeblocks


Viewed 51 times


I’m having this problem in codeblocks where when I try to run any program in it I get

Execution of 'C: Program Files (x86) Codeblocks/cb_console_runner.exe "C: Users Desktop Client C test.exe Programming"' in 'C: Users Desktop Client C Programming failed.

I have consulted several questions, including here in the stack, but none of the proposed solutions have worked. I have compared my settings with other computers and have nothing out of order, reinstalled several times, and nothing.

I don’t understand why it can’t find the exe and run the program, if that is really the problem. I’ve tried everything that came to mind, and everything that the internet solutions offered me, if anyone has any ideas please help me.

  • Make sure Codeblocks is not preparing the wrong execution environment to run your program. If you’re wrong, Windows won’t be able to find the Dlls the program needs. See the environment setting inside Codeblocks.

  • already tried to configure the compiler correctly?

  • Vinicius, I took a look and in my view everything is in place. But please, how can I make a deeper check? Rhayden, as far as I have searched and configured, the compiler is with default settings, not only of what is expected (i.e., the default) but of other computers. How did you set up your compiler correctly? Maybe I have some useful steps. pmg, I’ve uninstalled the Antivirus. So far nothing.

1 answer


I solved my problem! CB was installed on ...(x86) I just reinstalled in another directory, then compiled and ran normally using F9 !

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