Grab the element ID when dragging and dropping


Viewed 1,108 times


I found this code on the Internet and I’m studying how it works, to try to adapt in a system, I’ve already managed to get the id of the parent element, the id from the LI that I clicked is not coming right, and I need you to show me the element to which he was dragged.

In short, he must show me in alert the id of the main box, the id clicked, and the id from the box I dropped.

$(function () {
                connectWith: "#items1,#items2,#items3",
                start: function (event, ui) {

                stop: function (event, ui) {

                            var id_principal = $(this).attr('id');
                            var id_do_li = $('li').attr('id');
                            alert('Id Pricipal = '+id_principal+' | Id do li = '+id_do_li);


  • You can edit the question by placing the code you already have that is in error?

  • I edited Eduardo, actually not giving error, I can not get the clicked id

2 answers


Replace the event stop for receive, see all properties here.

The object ui returned from the event contains the following properties:

  • item: current drag element.
  • sender: source element.

And to capture the target element use the $(this):

    connectWith: ".items",
    receive: function(event, ui) {
        var id_origem = ui.sender.attr("id"),
            id_clicado = ui.item.attr("id"),
            id_destino = $(this).attr("id");

See example working on Jsfiddle.

  • Thanks Lucio, exactly what I needed!!

  • Thanks @Marcospaulo. Please accept this reply so that other users can use this post in the future, thank you!

  • Lucio Rubens, testing this code on cell phone, it does not work, will have some way to modify it to mobile?

  • You can leave it, just search a little, putting this JS solves jquery.ui.touch-Punch.min.js


To catch the id of the item that was dragged you will have to use the ui which is passed in the stop

$(function () {
                connectWith: "#items1,#items2,#items3",
                start: function (event, ui) {

                stop: function (event, ui) {

                            var id_principal = $(this).attr('id');
                            var id_do_li = $('li').attr('id');
                            var teste = ui.item.attr("id");
                            alert('Id Pricipal = '+id_principal+' | Id do li = '+id_do_li+' | Id divi Final = '+teste);




The stop shows me all the properties of the item being dragged, so I can take the properties of this item the same way I take any other object jQuery. The code that does that is

var teste = ui.item.attr("id");

You can see an example working here:


  • Thanks Erlon, thank you, now how can I get the id of the ul that he was released from? Now I have the initial UL, the dragged LI, only the destination UL is missing

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