Video Cross-browser


Viewed 35 times


I need to use a video and it has to be cross-browser. It works on Google Chrome, Opera and Mozila, but it fails to display on Safari. Follow my code:

follows the html code:

        <div id="video">
            <video id="Video1" width="100%" height="100%" loop>
                <source src="video/League-warrios.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  • Can it be the codecs installed on your computer? It is a Mac or Windows?

  • 1

    There’s nothing wrong with your code. Does the browser console say something? Make sure your server supports requests byte-range. Safari requires this support (or at least required).

  • I use windows and so I’m only with a video with mp4 format would that be the problem ??? there is some video converter for other formats like ogg for example

  • Safari supports MP4 on all platforms. Remember, in Windows Safari no longer exists. To convert the video to webm or ogg I like the Ultimate Video Converter, which is nothing but a frontend to the ffmpeg. It may be that recoding the file to another format the problem is solved because Safari behaves differently with other video formats (in the matter of requests byte-range - implement this support is simple, including).

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