Is it worth developing in Javafx for Web, Mobile and Desktop?


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I’d like to know how Javafx is going, if it’s already consolidated, if it’s still a gamble.. I really liked the look and the "Write Once, run Verywhere".

  • 5

    "Everything is worth it / If the soul is not small." - Fernando Pessoa.

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    On a more serious note, I see few openings for Javafx on the market. But this is just a personal observation.

  • 1

    "I’d like to know how Javafx is doing."It’s bad, bad..

1 answer


Instead of answers I hear only crickets singing. It seems to me that it is not consolidated no.

Nor can it be bet because it is already very old.

Web interface

Companies that decide the direction of the web interface have decided that it is HTML; more precisely HTML5.

Who dared to challenge trying to force the bar with interfaces that run in the browser but actually render the screens using compiled code (Silverlight, Flex, the infamous Flash and Java FX itself) had its tools classified as second-class citizens and are increasingly in disuse and less popular.

Write Once run Everywhere - mobile platforms

HTML5 has also been widely used for the purpose of "write Once run Everywhere" on mobile platforms, through tools such as Phonegap and Intel’s App Framework.

There are also companies that create their own container to run HTML5 applications on different devices.

This method may not be the best to have the best Android app or the best iOS app, but it is likely to be the lowest cost and fastest to launch a product early and improve it later using the specific tools of each platform.

Write Once run Everywhere - cross platform (mobile, desktop, web)

The most commonly used technique for this are currently "normal" web pages; eventually but not necessarily with responsive layout (the layout fits according to the device used to view the page).

Depending on the app you are going to make and the target audience, this can serve very well.

In this case, on the server side you use the platform you wish. And, if your system design is right from the start, you expand the system to run on other devices by just writing new interfaces according to the platform - the code back end remains the same.

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