Sort month that is in full in Postgres


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I need to make a ORDER BY in a table mes which has the months in full and in Portuguese (Janeiro, Fevereiro...). It has no relation to any other column in the table. It is possible to do this?

  • I doubt you can do it just by string..

2 answers


I’ve been looking into it, and I think I found a solution for you string of the month for the respective number (ex.: Janeiro = 1):

            WHEN mes = "Janeiro" THEN 1
            WHEN mes = "Fevereiro" THEN 2
            WHEN mes = "Março" THEN 3
            WHEN mes = "Abril" THEN 4
       END as meses
       , mes //apresentar também o mês em string ao lado do número
FROM tbl_meses;
  • 1

    It worked with the second code, I just had to change a few things, I put LIKE instead of = and exchange the double quotes for single. Thanks.

  • I just detected a little problem... the result of the month is coming as integer, instead of coming as it was originally.

  • Yes, it was necessary for the order by. But you can still present the month, I’ll edit


If this table is just to translate the months a simple solution is to add a column with month number the sort must be done by year and by that new column.

If you have a date or similar field and want to display the month in full in Portuguese you can set the locale in the session and sort by month.

set lc_time = 'portuguese';
select to_char(data,'tmmonth') from tabela order by extract(year from data), extract(month from data)
  • Then I will edit the response to add the necessary settings for the locale to work correctly.

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