Bootstrap v2.3.2 grid does not work in IE9


Viewed 112 times


I have a grid in Bootstrap v2.3.2, which I’m trying to fix to run on IE9. On the official page the grids show correctly in IE9, so I expected the same result.

I saw some answers with Respond.js and other techniques for IE8, but I think it only applies to BS3.

I think the code that surrounds the grid affects your view. How to improve this HTML and CSS?


Expected result: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Here it works well in IE9.

  • Using such a deprecated version is complicated - I think you’d better upgrade pro 3.x and use

  • @Jorge is right, it was the html that involved accordion, thanks for the help

  • @dHeku Yes using BS3 would be better, but at the moment as it is a large project we are still limited to using BS2 until we change throughout the project or gradually. Thanks for the help

  • @dotmindlabs solved? Put the solution as an answer if you think this solution will help someone in the future.

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