Container that adjusts to 100% window height and width


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    "Size" would be just the width or height too? If it’s just the width, just use the class container-fluid:

  • I wanted the height too, like on the sites I quoted.

1 answer


This can be done using the unit vh, adding height: 100vh; to the class you want its size to be automatically adjusted to 100% of the current screen size, on any device or resolution.

With vh/vw, we can modify the size of elements to be relative to the size of the viewport (window). So when adding height: 100vh will cause an element to fully occupy the entire height of the display window.

Here’s an example:

section {height: 100vh;}

/* Seccões */
#screen1 {background: #43b29d;}
#screen2 {background: #efc94d;}
#screen3 {background: #e1793d;}
<section id="screen1"></section>
<section id="screen2"></section>
<section id="screen3"></section>

You can also test that on this Example in Jsfiddle and drag the resultado so you can see that the section/div adapts to any type of resolution.
You can read more about the unit vh in - Sizing with vw and vh Units

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