Change property structure at time of JSON serialization


Viewed 277 times


I have a situation where my HTML form represents a different data structure than the existing structure on the server.

To illustrate my problem, I will present a hypothetical situation, to present what solution I need:

My class:

public class Pessoa{
    public long Codigo {get;set;}
    public Estado Estado {get;set;}

public class Estado{
    public static Estado ObtenhaEstado(long codigo){
       // Obtêm instância de estado a partir do código

    public long Codigo {get;set;}


<div id='formularioPessoa'>
   <input type='text' name='Codigo' />
   <input type='text' name='Estado' />

As you can see in the HTML snippet, I need the 'State' input to reflect the Status object of my Person class.

For the interaction of CLIENT to SERVER, I already managed a solution implementing a custom Binder, implementing the Imodelbinder interface. The solution was excellent, as it did not require any class other than the state itself to know this particularity.

My need:

Now, I need something to handle SERVER to CLIENT interaction, when there is a serialization of a C# object to a JSON object.

What I need is that, when serializing any object that contains a state property, this serializer knows that I must send a JSON in this structure (below, the example of the Person serialization):

  "Codigo": "1",
  "Estado": "2"

Instead of:

  "Codigo": "1",
  "Estado": {
              Codigo: "2"

I have researched a lot of material in English, including searching for something associated with Datetime, in relation to 'Custom serializers', 'Override Json method of controller', however, I did not find any elegant solution like the solution I found for the interaction Client > Server (Imodelbinder).

A caveat:

  • I cannot use Html Helpers or other ASP.NET MVC code in my CSHTML file.
  • 1

    You are using JSON.NET?

  • No Gypsy, use ASP.NET MVC 4 with all default modules.

  • 1

    There is the possibility of tying one Binder in the serialization object, but this only holds for JSON.NET: If it is possible to use, I put as a response.

  • Thanks Gypsy, I can include JSON.NET in my project yes! But I will need all the way if possible, because I do not know the library. From the inclusion in Nuget to the point of using it in the property.

1 answer


Theoretically you could do so in your controller

    public JsonResult Pessoas()

        var pessoas = db.Pessoas.Select(s => new { Codigo = s.Codigo , Estado =  s.Estado.Codigo });

        return Json(pessoas , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  • I needed something generalized joaoeduardorf, I will not use it only in this situation. I have already solved using a custom Jsonserializer.

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