Architectural validation issues


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I was thinking about how validation is applied in different scenarios and mainly using layered architecture and I came across some issues that I would like to discuss.

Are there any validations that should be used at the application level and not at the business level? If they exist, then they should not be forced on the entities but on the application layer above.

When we find errors in validation how we should propagate these errors to the upper layers?

1) Create a specific type of Exception (Evalidationexception)? And from that the top layers could create code to intercept and display error messages?

    customerService.registerCostumer(name, phoneNumber, email);
    on E:EValidationException do

2) Create a type of Application Context that would be injected into Application Services and serve as a bridge to validation errors?

validator := TValidator.Create;
//in service layer
if validator.isValid(customer) then

//in presentation layer (a form for example)
if applicatioContext.hasErrorMessages() then

I’ll point out that I’m developing in Delphi and my project uses a layered architecture like the DDD layers (I’m not using 100% DDD yet, I just use a few ideas). In this case I am calling my validation code in the application services.

1 answer


As every action of the application reflects somehow in the business layer, and that for security the validation should be carried out at least in the business layer, I do not see how a validation can be restricted to the application layer. Because, its rules are defined in one or more business layers.

Your two solutions to return errors to the top layers of the application are valid. However, I believe that the first solution is more appropriate in most cases.

Your second option generates user-facing error messages at the same level as the problems arise. In my view, this reduces the cohesion of the layers, since an inner layer this generating information that are inherent in higher layers (user interface is not the responsibility of the business layer, for example).

The first option, however, is more cohesive and does not increase the coupling more than the second option. Error reporting is then performed through a structure that allows you to describe the error and its conditions in an easier way to manipulate in code. So the application layer can generate the most appropriate message.

  • In this particular case I showed only the case where I use the application-level validations, but I also have business-level validations. What I meant is that there are validations that only exist at the application level. In one application I restrict the age of the customer to at least 18 years and in others I do not need this restriction. If I force on the domain, I will have to modify the class to use in another application.

  • And the other point I was really looking forward to finding the best way to return the validation errors to the upper layers. Because I didn’t want to have to put a return on the service method with validation error messages, it would be meaningless. I will apply the first option even with exceptions then.

  • @Robsoncoutinho I understood correctly... maybe I have curled up and not made clear hehehe... In the case of the 18-year restriction, the correct is to validate in the business model as well. As this building in Delphi, it is unlikely that the user will dribble their validation into the application layer, but in the case of a web application, this is a case that should be taken seriously. I don’t know exactly how you built your application, but maybe using the Decorator Pattern is the most appropriate, but it will probably force you to some low-level modifications in the application.

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