Calling Subreport in Main Report


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Guys, I have 2 reports, the sub report and the main report, but when I give a preview I can only view the main one, as I do to display the sub report as well?

I’m using Jaspersoft Studio.

I have a report that is filled by a list and parameters, but I found a problem and I received help here in the forum, the person who helped me said that the best way to solve this problem is by creating a Subreport. The problem is this, I want to leave my report as follows: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see, a Beneficiary has more than one procedure. Currently I can list all the procedures and beneficiaries, but the procedures repeat. This is what I currently get: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My Beneficiary Name repeats, and shows the other procedure, not all together in one place.

I am trying to place a Subreport with the Payee Name and Identifier in a Group Header, and the procedures (Date Completion, Service Description, Cod Tab..) within Detail. I think that way it would work, but I’m not able to call the Subreport within my report.

  • 1

    Secondary report needs to be compiled in a file .jasper in some specific directory. And then in the subreport component in the main report you need to specify a path to the compiled subreport file. If you need more help, click [Edit] on your question and add more information about your report. Hug!

  • I understood, but how do I step this way, what kind of parameter?

  • edited the question

  • Take a look here.

  • I have looked but not understood, there it passes an ID as parameter and I suppose it is by connection JDBC, using lists as data source works the same way?

  • Diego, can you give me your report for me to use as a model ?

  • @Fillipedeveloper of ours, I no longer have access to it a long time hehe.

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1 answer


You need to specify the path to the subreport from within the main report.

This should be done in the subreport component, in its attribute Subreport Expression, as shown below:

Definir propriedades do subrelatório

There you can specify the path to the file .jasper of the sub-report through one of the types String, File, InputStream, URL and JaspeReports.

  • I did this but still does not load the Subreport, I have to configure something in the Subreport?

  • It looks like this:

  • @Diegoaugusto No errors in tab Output?

  • No, I don’t think it’s being displayed by returning everything null, I’ll try to call by code by Imputstream

  • @Diegoaugusto It may be that you are not displaying anything because of the lack of data. Are you passing the parameters to the subreport? Try putting a fixed query and see if something appears.

  • I am trying to pass a list, there is the difficulty. I tried to pass the sub report as parameter and gave this error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression : 
 Source text : $P{sub}

  • @Diegoaugusto Check if the type of ${sub] is compatible with the type reported in the other field that informs the type. For example, if it is a String, it must be java.lang.String.

  • I was sending by Inputstream as follows: InputStream sub= this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/br/com/xml/relatorio/subRelatorio.jrxml");

  • And then wore filtro.put("sub", sub);

  • But I think you’re making a mistake because I’m trying to pass a list to the sub-report and I don’t know if I’m doing it right. Summing up I need to pass a list to the main report, this I can already do, now I need to pass a list to the sub report and then call my main report with the sub report inside.

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