Picking the first characters of a string


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How I replace a string in Javascript?

I’m taking the name of the page.

var str = window.location.pathname;

The name of the url is "/checkout/9/finalizacao" I want to change to "/checkout/"

In the first 10 characters.

I know there is the sub string method, but I don’t know how to use it.

You don’t have to put in complicated code, just the function I use to get the first 10 characters and how to implement it. ('Cause I’m gonna use it on an if later)

if (pageName == "/carrinho/index" || str == "/checkout/"){

2 answers


Exactly, you can use the .substring to get the first 10 characters:

var str = window.location.pathname;
alert(str.substring(0,10));//intervalo de caracteres prentendido
  • It worked, I used: var str = window.location.pathname; str = str.substring(0,10);

  • That’s right, you get the value on str how do you intend :)


In this case I would separate the strings from the URL and check the value.

// Separa a string a partir do char "/" e retorna o 1 valor

var str = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]

if (pageName == "/carrinho/index" || str == "checkout"){

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