01: Connection failure with TOP


Viewed 31 times


I’m trying to consume a web service that I’m not an administrator of.

I can normally access your classes, objects and methods. The problem is when I call the method that expects to receive requests, then I find the following error:

"01: Falha na conexão com TOP"

I have searched everywhere and found no answer, I thank from now on to those who can help!

  • Does your webservice consume a layer method implemented by a third party? or some system API itself?

  • Hi Rafael, the method belongs to the web service itself. It was generated through Protheus

  • It receives SOAP Requests

  • Let me see if I can be clearer, the webservice is just one layer of the project, it probably consumes a 'method' of a project API, a repository, a business layer method, etc... this error is looking like a custom exception, generated by the person who implemented Webservice, there is some integration manual or similar?

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