Send and receive SMS from a GPS


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I need to send a SMS for a chip do GPS and he will return me a coordinate. How do I send and receive this SMS?

Examples of links and services based on HTML and JavaScript for this shipment?

  • 3

    OK Samuel, your question this vague beeeemm, want to send sms in javascript, javascript alone will not do it, you are using some web service, have a server that does this sms and want to fire it via javascript, explain it better.

  • In fact I have no idea how to send the text and receive it, if you can help me.

1 answer


Well, since you have no idea where to start, I’ll make a suggestion:

With this you do not need to program any line of source code, just go there in the google calendar and configure the sending of sms, the date/time message to trigger the event and good, now it’s up to you whether or not you make a system that uses the google Calendar API to automate the process.

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