How to make a program download images from a website, page by page, using id?


Viewed 996 times


I need to download several images from a website, where only the page number changes, but the id of tag img is always the same.

I wonder if there is any way to create a program that does this download and the page exchange, automatically.

The id is #backgroundImg. The page ?page=96, for example. Can in any language or medium.

I made that code, but I still can’t download it.

D:\>FOR %A IN (1,1,96) DO
    wget -A.jpg

I’m using wget in the prompt command.

  • What is the problem that this code presents?

  • You are creating a 3kb . html file and when you create more than one, it looks like this: index.html. 1; index.html. 2... None of these files are actually html.

  • I don’t understand why "wget -A.jpg page=%Asection=1".. Obviously you won’t catch any image like this.. Did you take this code from some website? There was no other code?

  • No. This code I made myself. Because it’s so obvious that it won’t catch any image?

1 answer


The syntax of the loop for is incorrect, to declare and use a for it is necessary to prefix it with %%. It is also necessary to use the /L so that the range.

FOR /l %%A in (1, 1, 96) DO (
  :: Aqui você usa o wget para baixar o arquivo


An alternative in Powershell:

1..96 | % { $paginas  += @{ $_ = "$_`section=1"} }
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient

foreach ($pagina in $paginas.getEnumerator()) {
   $webClient.DownloadFile($pagina.Value, "img$($pagina.Name)")
  • When trying this way, I get the following message "%A was unexpected at this time". I am using cmd version 6.3.9600

  • @Rivaldojunior Does this happen when you run the answer code? which system do you use?

  • This answer appears when giving enter in the full command. I use windows 8.1. I would try to download a college handbook, but I have how to create the pdf with the Google Chrome, in the handout print option, which the system itself gives. The idea was to make a code that was downloaded by the ID tag IMG

  • @Rivaldojunior Posted an alternative in Powershell, create a file and put the code in it, save the file with the extension ps1, then run it through Windows Powershell.

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