Which framework should I use for Functional Testing on . net?


Viewed 328 times


I would like to know the framework options that simulates testes unitários to the . I know a little Ruby and I know that there is Cucumber which by the way is very good, but to .net I did a search and realized that there are several options. I am in doubt, which to use?

  • Where are the negative vote comments?

  • @Miguelangelo this is a good question, I would also like to know the reasons for the negative votes

2 answers


My options

You can use the MSTest together with a Mock framework such as Moq, and some control inversion framework, such as SimpleInjector... this way your system can be tested easily.

There are other options, but I personally use this setting.

Other options


  • Nunit (I used it, I think it’s really good)
  • Mstest (Microsoft, already used, good too)


  • Rhino mocks (I’ve tried it before)
  • Moq (I’ve used... very good, very simple)

Inversion of control:

Continued integration:

Interface testing:

  • Thanks Miguel for the answer, a doubt these options cited, they are alternative to Cucumber? I would like to use some framework, which opens the "browser" and performs the tests, according to my plan

  • @James has the Selenium. Include him in the answer.

  • have you ever used Specflow? Recommend this framework?

  • @Tiago I haven’t used Specflow so far... but it seems worth a try.


For interface testing, I would also add Coded UI Tests from Visual Studio.

Personally for unit tests I have used the NUNIT with the resharper and I am quite satisfied.

I’ll give you a few more IOC containers that you can use with .NET. In the past I used Ninject, but it is quite "heavy" I changed my choice to Autofac. You can even write your own IOC with few lines of code if you are not satisfied with what exists.

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