Updating the table record dynamically


Viewed 174 times


I have the following scenario: I have a View (type ex.: produto {codigo, descricao, quantidade, qtdeRecebida}) where a table is loaded. In this View, in addition to the table, I still have a textbox and a button. When the user informs the product and clicks on the button I need to execute a method that is in the Product class (Codebehind) that increments the qtdeRecedida and updates the table dynamically. What is the solution for this? Someone has a similar example?

Obs.: I am beginner and this scenario is being developed in ASP.Net MVC 4.

  • 1
  • By the way, what is the need for this dynamic update? It is not possible to do everything with HTML and validate on Controller?

  • "When the user informs the product": how does the user inform the product? Is there a checkbox for each row of the table? Please enter the current code of your View, at least the relevant part. If possible from the Controller as well.

  • It is a process of conferring the quantity received from the products... dynamically the upgrade will be faster consequently the conference process also. The user has to see that the quantity of the product is being increased. If the page reloads to each informed product the process takes longer.

  • There is a table loaded with a product list. In this view there is a textbox and a button. By pressing the button the system will capture the product informed in the textbox then it will go through the list of products and if it finds the product informed, the qtyReceived field of this respective product is incremented. At this point the table has to be updated for the user to see the changes

  • @Wouldn’t it be better to edit the question instead of putting it all as a comment? I would say that an initial step would be Ajax, but I still don’t understand why you need to go on Controller to know if a product exists or not. The recommended is you use something like a autocomplete jQuery UI or something.

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