How to turn strotime output into a variable


Viewed 155 times


I’m trying to use this script, which returns every Monday between two periods:

$beginday = isset($_POST["Tinsem3"]) ? $_POST["Tinsem3"] : false;
$lastday  = isset($_POST["Tdesl"]) ? $_POST["Tdesl"] : false;

$lastday = strtotime($lastday);
for($i = strtotime('Monday', strtotime($beginday)); $i <= $lastday; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
    echo date('l Y-m-d', $i);

I adapted to search the form data, and output between dates 08/04/2015 and 08/05/2015 is already correct:

Monday 2015-04-13

Monday 2015-04-20

Monday 2015-04-27

Monday 2015-05-04

What I want is to put each of these results within variables, so I can count how many seconds there are and use to do some calculations.

I’ve tried to do something like:

$tornararray = array (date('l Y-m-d', $i));

And then count the arrays, with something like:

$total2 = count(array_filter($tornararray)); 

But when do I give var_dumpof $tornararray, I get the exit:

array(1) { [0]=> string(17) "Monday 2015-05-04" }

From what I understand, he’s only picking up the last occurrence. How do I turn each of the results I get with echo date('l Y-m-d', $i); in variables?

Warning: This question is is not duplicate of this. These are different questions. Here I want to know how to include the results (from another script, not the one used in that question) within variables, while in that other one I have very different goals (adapt that working day script etc...).

2 answers


$arr = array();
for($i = strtotime('Monday', strtotime($beginday)); $i <= $lastday; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
    array_push($arr, date('l Y-m-d', $i));


  • 2

    Only one addendum: array_push has the same effect as $array[] = $var - see the manual!

  • 2

    Yes. It’s true, @Papa Charlie. It’s even better to do this, because of preprocessing.

  • 2

    Yes, and in the end you’ll have to use count to count the items - it is inevitable

  • 1

    I tested it here and the two solutions worked! + 1 Dei as solved on @Papacharlie for having already included the count. Thanks to both!


I’m sorry if I misunderstood, but what you want is this?

$date = array();

for($i = strtotime('Monday', strtotime($beginday)); $i <= $lastday; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
    $date[] = date('l Y-m-d', $i);

$total = count( $date );
  • 1

    Hello, take a look here array_push().

  • 1

    Array_push: Adiciona um ou mais elementos no final de um array, and what he wants is contar quantas segundas. Just create an array and count the indexes.

  • 2

    $array[] = $i is equivalent to array_push($array, $i). The first is even faster by not making function call.

  • 1

    What I meant to say is that your answer is pretty much the same as the other, you just used the other methodology, and you returned the value in the function count() :/ this can complicate the person who asked the question, and creates duplicate responses, I believe the most correct would be editar the above answer, and add these details.

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