Timestamp without using.time()


Viewed 134 times


How to convert a date and time in your timestamp, but without using the os.time() in Lua? What is the expression to calculate? Is it possible?


data = "01/01/2015"
hora = "10:00:00"
  • timestamp since that origin?

  • Behold luatz.

1 answer


Well, according to [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timestamp ] There are several Timestamp formats, if you already have the date and time information, as in the question, you can look for a format that fits this description. For example, ISO 8601 [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ] defines that a date (day/month/year) should be represented in year-month-day form, you could use the string functions of the moon to separate the typed information and generate that Time Stamp. For example, let’s assume that you implement a split function as described in [ http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin ], you could generate your Timestamp so:

data = "04/02/2016" --Quatro de Janeiro de 2016
dataTable = split(data,"/")
--timeStamp = 2016-02-04 (Conforme ISO 8601)
timeStamp = dataTable[1] .. "-" ..dataTable[2] .. "-" ..dataTable[3]

The same idea can be applied to add the hours, minutes and seconds. However, if you want a Stamp team as it returns by os.time() (Seconds from a given date), it is strongly recommended to use a library, although it is possible to calculate, in a very rough way it would look like this:

mes = 2 + ((ano-anoZero)*12)
dias = 4 + (mes * 30) --Simplificação, o ideal seria calcular o numero de dias para cada mês
horas = 1 + (dias * 24)
minutos=29 + (horas*60)
segundos=minutos * 60 -- Numero de segundos desde 1960-01-01 00:00:00
  • only one detail: "split" is not native method of Lua language, has to be written or then used of some extene module (Penlight, Microlight, etc)

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