In Python: How to convert screen coordinates to cartesian coordinates, where there can be positive and negative points and the center of the screen is (0.0)?
In Python: How to convert screen coordinates to cartesian coordinates, where there can be positive and negative points and the center of the screen is (0.0)?
This is a coordinate system conversion problem and considering that its programming language originates from (0, 0) the upper left corner of the screen we have (in Javascript - in Python is analogous) :
<div style="width: 600px; height: 300px; border: 1px #000 solid; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">
var larguraTela = 600;
var alturaTela = 300;
var getXY = function(x, y) {
var novoX = x - (larguraTela / 2);
var novoY = (y - (alturaTela / 2)) * -1;
return [ novoX, novoY ];
document.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
console.log(evt.x + ", " + evt.y);
console.log(getXY(evt.x, evt.y));
}, false);
I did it in Java / HTML to test in the browser by clicking on the rectangle and observing the browser console, but what matters is the getXY() function that waits for the original X and Y coordinate as parameter and returns an array of two elements: x and y converted.
Note that it is necessary to multiply by (-1) in Y due to reverse direction in relation to the cartesian system traditional.
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would like to know if you tested my solution.
– João Paraná
I gave it right, man, thanks!
– tumm