Learn Asp.net without dominating c#?


Viewed 727 times


basic doubt. I want to start programming for the web with Asp.net mvc, but I know very, very little c#, just the basics of the language. Would it be a bad deal to start with Asp.net and get the language c# as Asp.net advances? If not, what main part of c# should I focus on before going to Asp.net ?

  • Your question will probably be closed because it is mainly based on personal opinions, not facts, and that is not the idea of this site. Moreover, regardless of each person’s opinion, in the end only you can decide this, because the path you will follow, only you can walk yourself.

  • 1

    In the end what matters is this: follow your heart, learn what you want to learn and when you want to learn, but don’t try to embrace the world. I could tell you to focus on C#, or focus on ASP.Net, or take the two together, or do something else. None of this would matter, because it would just be random opinions of someone who doesn’t know you, because in the end the only person who can know what’s best for you is yourself.

1 answer


It would be a bad deal to start with Asp.net and get the language c# as Asp.net advances.net?

No, as long as you seek to acquire knowledge in C# as you study. That is, if a construction appears in the code that you do not understand very well, seek to know why it is used and in what other cases it may or may not be used.

If not, what main part of c# should I focus on before going to Asp.net?

It’s some parts, actually:

  • Type Discipline: C# is a strong typing language. Avoid using dynamic types in the beginning. Leave them for when the guys part is dominated;
  • Exception Handling: Exceptions are serious problems that need special treatment in the code. Avoid ignoring them or creating mechanisms to suppress them. Always try to know what each one means and what to do in case they appear;
  • Levels of Protection: there are several, each has a very specific function. Try to focus initially on three:
    • public
    • private
    • protected
  • Interfaces and Generics: In my opinion they are the second great differential of the language: the ability to define classes that do not know exactly a certain type and the contract scheme, which guarantees code security;
  • Reflection: simply the most powerful feature of the language, the ability to read class metadata and complex constructions;
  • Extensibility: My favorite: the ability to extend a class without knowing its code.

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