Auto Publication Wordpress c#


Viewed 111 times


I want a C# application to post on a Wordpress blog. The post title would be the variable value title and the article would be the variable html. How do I get that?

Note: Console project.

  • Hello, Raul. Welcome to []! It will be easier to get help if you post the code you have already done or tried to do, in addition to the error you are getting, rather than waiting for someone to make the code from scratch. Hug!

  • And as for the question being closed, it is not out of scope, broad or "unclear". All you need to answer it is a two-parameter method that calls the Wordpress API.

2 answers


  • Yes, but for example, how do you do this? I just started in C#...

  • good first it is of paramount importance that you go back a little read the documentation and look a little how to consume it. But if you have patience I will put an example like do for me to make it easier for you to implement without having to study a little

  • Stackoverflow is not a site for requesting solutions, as you requested. Read more in and

  • I don’t want anyone to do this for me, I’ve tried some things like Wordpresssharp and also Joeblogs (Wordpresswrapper) but I can’t implement any of them... The code I already have takes the html code of the page and returns me, for example, the title and content of the "post" in a variable ... I just want to know how to do an "auto-post" after he sweeps this site... I don’t know if I can understand.

  • Note: As said above, the title of the post would be the variable TITLE and the post would be HTML

  • If you tried, post your attempts so someone can help you.

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  • Yes, but for example, how do you do this? I just started in C#...

  • @Raulcorreia As soon as I have time here, I will try to post an example for you.

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