Error of Session in Java


Viewed 138 times


I have the following methods :

public void delete(Class c, int id) throws SQLException {        
    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
        Object ob = this.getById(c, id);
    }catch(HibernateException e){
        throw new SQLException(c.getName() + " - Não foi possivel excluir o registro!");

public Object getById(Class c, Integer id) {
    Object session =  sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(c, id);
    return session;

But the following Exception is returned: Illegal Attempt to Associate a Collection with two open Sessions

What should I do ?

  • Having several sessions is costly, let’s say so. This error occurs because two sessions are open at the same time. You can: Create a single session and pass it on to your DAO(s) or use a snippet try/finally to close the session after making the transactions.

  • It seems to me that the Session object is not common to both functions, from the moment you declare it inside the delete. Try to take Session in a private class variable and not inside.

  • it is possible to put more information?

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