How to view a Youtube video in a Panel in Extjs?


Viewed 365 times


Would you like to display a Youtube video in a Panel on Extjs. Would it be possible? Can someone give me a hint?

  • Which version of Extjs are you using?

  • @Marcoaurélio Version 4.2.1

2 answers


Take a look at the property html of the Panel, that in it you can use Xtemplate, which is in this link an example using html.

The panel:

                xtype: 'panel',
                border: false,
                autoScroll: true,

                html: '\n\
                <table border="3" >\n\

Seu Xtemplate:

                var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate('
                    <seu html aqui>
                tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);

I used to show pure html inside a panel;


Take a look at this extension:

EXTJS and Youtube Integration

Pohon.ux.Youtube is package of Extjs 3.x Components which Enables Integration of youtube videos with your Extjs application

By default, EXTJS does not have this functionality, but it has this extension that solves the question well.

  • Thanks @brunosinister, I’ll check.

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