What’s the best language for Restful?


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I am a PHP programmer, but I’m having trouble finding useful ways to do REST. And so I’m intending to learn a second language, I already know some, but there may be a better one to do Rest.

Please tell me why the cited language is the best REST.

  • You refer to something like communication between the graphical interface with a server?

  • 1

    As it stands, your question is very broad and is an invitation to opinions. Maybe it’s worth giving it a little focus - for example 'What languages/frameworks offer extensive support for Restful services?'

  • 1

    The language does not influence this, what you might want is a semi-service-ready framework, it’s sad to see how today frameworks determine the "quality" of the language for many. Sorry to be blunt, but if I were you I would disregard any response that indicates a programming language.

  • Friends, I want facts, are we working with theology or exact? The fastest, the best, with better content, with better support, the easiest, the most used. Numbers, my colleagues. Of course I accept what you’re innovating, but you have to tell me why. I don’t want theories, I want numbers, 99 is higher than 98, so I want to know why it’s 99. Is it so hard for you to answer facts? I don’t want discussions, I don’t want to know your personal opinions, I want what the market is using and it’s working. Sorry for the honesty, but I’m very obsessive in what I’m looking for.

  • @Asurakhan I gave no theory, I was confused by your comment. I just wanted to point out that the language differs little, what you might want to base on is what’s the best framework and something else, personal opinions cannot be considered here in the community as answers. When I said 'it is sad to see how today frameworks determine the "quality" of the language' I didn’t mean you necessarily, I just put that comment because of the possible answers that might appear.

  • And I just wanted to know if you have a better one. Because C++ has the engine, photoshops of life and etc. Java has android and mobile systems. Php has the whole web or a good part of it. Rest has to have it, but since it doesn’t then I’ll use it with the language I know. I don’t particularly use any framework, but the company then charges to do what.

  • c++ does not have "Photoshop" and Java does not have "android", they are written technologies or that support the respective languages, for its comment really the best doubt would be: what is the best API or framework for such a task? Because the interest is in a specific technology. I believe that any of the suggestions below is good and even if there is a better one, it should be by little. Something I believe to help you choose an API or framework would be to see if the documentation is complete and easy to understand.

  • About using or not framework, it goes from your understanding of REST, if you have an in-depth knowledge on this, really a framework would not be mandatory, but if you are starting or want to facilitate the work a framework can help you, to understand REST you will have to learn the basics of HTTP, about "verbs" mainly, but I guarantee that the learning time can be long, because in some cases it will be necessary to learn about data transmission, we usually use only pure ascii or binary, but there are cases that there should be encryption and token authentication.

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2 answers


There is no language that is best for REST so directly.

I’ll leave a recommendation, Python !

There are many Interesting tools to develop RESTFULL python API among them Web2py,Django


Doc REST+web2py


def api():
    response.view = 'generic.'+request.extension
    def GET(*args,**vars):
        patterns = [
        parser = db.parse_as_rest(patterns,args,vars)
        if parser.status == 200:
            return dict(content=parser.response)
            raise HTTP(parser.status,parser.error)
    def POST(table_name,**vars):
        if table_name == 'person':
            return db.person.validate_and_insert(**vars)
        elif table_name == 'pet':
            return db.pet.validate_and_insert(**vars)
            raise HTTP(400)
    return locals()

Novatec has just released a book on REST with Django, Book link

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • Discover an uncomplicated approach to starting a new Django project.
  • Separate reusable applications into smaller services that communicate with each other.
  • Create a static website using rapid prototyping as a framework for websites and applications.
  • Create a REST API with Django-Rest-framework.
  • Learn how to use Django with the MVC Backbone.js framework.
  • Create a single-page web application using your REST API.
  • Integrate real-time resources with Websockets and the Tornado Network Library.
  • Use the code-driven examples of the book in your own projects.


REST is a style of architecture, and Restfull is a web service that uses this paradigm. As you know PHP, gives a check on SLIM and SILEX that are two micro-framework’s that facilitate the use of Restful. But there is no language that is "better" for Restfull.

  • Explain to me better this difference that if I could post links here I would show you about 20 gringos saying that REST and Restfull is the same thing. Of course I only researched the language I know, this is PHP.

  • You may specify: http://www.rodrigocalado.com.br/o-que-e-rest-um-abstract_do-features-conceitos-vantagens-vantagens-prefiro-dizer-que-e-uma-rapida-introducao-ao-assunto/ and this http://answall.com/questions/45783/o-que-%C3%A9-Rest-e-restful. Basically REST is an architectural paradigm and Restful is a web service that takes advantage of this paradigm using the verbs PUT, POST, GET and DELETE.

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