How to Save Image in Database with JSF2


Viewed 889 times


I’m with a project JSF with the model DAO using Hibernate, and I’m having a hard time understanding how to save the image in the database.

I would just need to know what the method would look like to save an image in a class DAO and how he’d look in class Bean.

I found this video:

For me this video does not serve because it saves on disk. I made these posts on the GUJ site but I did not get results:

This one got closer than he needed:

This was a repository I found:

This is the project I’m working for:

And that’s the class I want to introduce:

  • And specifically, what’s your question? You said you checked some projects, did you test the solution used on them? If so, did you have any problems?

1 answer


Since Voce didn’t post the code, see if this can help you:

@ManagedBean(name = "fileUploadMB")
public class fileUploadMB {
    public static byte[] arquivo;
    public static String nomeArquivo;
    private Ouvidoria ouvidoriaCadastro;

    public Ouvidoria getOuvidoriaCadastro() {
        if (ouvidoriaCadastro == null) {
            ouvidoriaCadastro = new Ouvidoria();
        return ouvidoriaCadastro;

    public void setOuvidoriaCadastro(Ouvidoria ouvidoriaCadastro) {
        this.ouvidoriaCadastro = ouvidoriaCadastro;

    /* Método que faz o Upload dos arquivos */
    public void doUpload(FileUploadEvent fileUploadEvent) throws IOException {

        UploadedFile uploadedFile = fileUploadEvent.getFile();

        String fileNameUploaded = uploadedFile.getFileName();
        long fileSizeUploaded = uploadedFile.getSize();

        // arquivo = uploadedFile.getContents();
        String infoAboutFile = "<br/> Arquivo recebido: <b>" + fileNameUploaded
                + "</b><br/>" + "Tamanho do Arquivo: <b>" + fileSizeUploaded
                + "</b>";
        //Mensagem exibida na tela
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                new FacesMessage("Sucesso", infoAboutFile));

        arquivo = (IOUtils.toByteArray(uploadedFile.getInputstream()));
        nomeArquivo = uploadedFile.getFileName();


        System.out.println("Arquivo capturado" + arquivo);
        System.out.println("Nome do Arquivo" + nomeArquivo);



On your xml page:

<p:outputLabel value="Selecione um Arquivo(Opcional):" />
            <p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadMB.doUpload}"
                mode="advanced" showButtons="false" label="Enviar Arquvios.."
                auto="true" />

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