remove duplicate values in multidimensional array


Viewed 4,783 times


I have a huge multidimensional array and need to remove duplicate values with PHP or some function that does this when using Cakephp. Array structure:

[0] => Array
        [Advertencia] => Array
                [id] => 
                [tipo_punicao] => CA
                [suspensao_data_inicio] => 
                [funcionario_matricula] => 
                [advertente_matricula] => 
                [recebedor_RH_matricula] => 

        [Funcionario] => Array
                [id] => 25
                [matricula] => 5444
                [nome] => ANDRE
                [quantidade] => 


[1] => Array
        [Advertencia] => Array
                [id] => 
                [tipo_punicao] => A
                [suspensao_data_inicio] => 
                [funcionario_matricula] => 
                [advertente_matricula] => 
                [recebedor_RH_matricula] => 

        [Funcionario] => Array
                [id] => 20
                [matricula] => 5555
                [nome] => JOAO 
                [quantidade] => 


[2] => Array
        [Advertencia] => Array
                [id] => 
                [tipo_punicao] => RC
                [suspensao_data_inicio] => 
                [funcionario_matricula] => 
                [advertente_matricula] => 
                [recebedor_RH_matricula] => 

        [Funcionario] => Array
                [id] => 20
                [matricula] => 5555
                [nome] => JOAO
                [quantidade] => 


Note that two of these array data have the same information, ie [1] and [2] - where the nome, matricula and id are equal. I would like one of these data to be removed. It does not matter which of the two will remain. It would look like this, for example:

[0] => Array
        [Advertencia] => Array
                [id] => 
                [tipo_punicao] => CA
                [suspensao_data_inicio] => 
                [funcionario_matricula] => 
                [advertente_matricula] => 
                [recebedor_RH_matricula] => 

        [Funcionario] => Array
                [id] => 25
                [matricula] => 5444
                [nome] => ANDRE
                [quantidade] => 


[1] => Array
        [Advertencia] => Array
                [id] => 
                [tipo_punicao] => A
                [suspensao_data_inicio] => 
                [funcionario_matricula] => 
                [advertente_matricula] => 
                [recebedor_RH_matricula] => 

        [Funcionario] => Array
                [id] => 20
                [matricula] => 5555
                [nome] => JOAO 
                [quantidade] => 



It is possible?

1 answer


It is possible yes. One of the ways to do this is to use the function array_unique, whose purpose is to return a new array no duplicate values. See an example:

$dupArr = array("A" => "foo", 
                "B" => "baz", 
                "C" => "bar", 
                "D" => "foo"); // Valor repetido
$unique = array_unique($dupArr); 

print_r($unique); // [A] => foo [B] => baz [C] => bar



Because it is a array multidimensional, the array_unique will not work. It will be necessary to implement a function that checks whether a value exists in the array, for this, there is the function in_array, but it does not work in arrays multidimensional, therefore, it will be necessary to use it in a recursive:

function in_array_recursive($agulha, $palheiro) {
    foreach ($palheiro as $item) {
        if (($item == $agulha) || (is_array($item) && in_array_recursive($agulha, $item)))
            return true;
    return false;

Now it will be necessary to sweep the array with the foreach and apply the function in_array_recursive, to do this, use the function below:

function uniqueArray($raiz){
    $unique = [];
    foreach ($raiz as $nodo => $nodos){
        foreach ($nodos as $item => $items){
            foreach ($items as $chave => $valor){
                if (!in_array_recursive($valor, $unique) or empty($valor)){
                    $unique[$nodo][$item][$chave] = $valor;
                } else {
                    break 3;
    return $unique;

Use the function as follows:

$dupArray = array(.....);
$unique = uniqueArray($dupArray);

echo "<pre>". print_r($unique, 1). "<pre>";


  • It looks like good code, I did exactly this and the returning array comes empty. ;(

  • It seems that your code works perfectly. I believe that in mine it did not work for some inconsistency of the array. Anyway I already found a way this array does not come by default with duplicate values. Thanks.

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