How to make random numbers


Viewed 268 times


Hello someone would tell me what the name of this effect has on this site :

as soon as scrolling the page above the contact us there is 4 image and below it generates a number I would like to know what the name of this effect and where I can find it.

  • 2

    The number is not randomly generated, it was placed there. The name of the effect is FLIP

  • yes friend more you noticed how he does it count some numbers before inserting them I saw it in jquery plugin however I did not think that one day would need and so I do not remember what name this but I know it has on the site of jquery plugin

  • this helps you? Note that the count starts from 0 and goes up to the desired number.

  • You also have this plugin:

  • opa was that same friend "vlw" but the link with reply to I accept if you want

  • A tip, whenever you reply to a comment from someone in your question, press the "@" (arroba) that will appear the user name and select, so they will receive a notification and know that you responded to the comment. For example, @Natan will now receive a notification because I mentioned it in my comment. Tip!

  • Opa obrigado @Filipemoraes

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1 answer


See this plugin:


Insert the following libraries into your code. Donwload the files on the site above. Don’t forget to include Jquery as well:

<script src="js/jquery.counterup.min.js"></script>
<script src="waypoints.min.js"></script>

Set content type within span tag:

<span class=".integers">12345</span>
<span class=".floats">123.45</span>
<span class=".numbers-with-commas">12,345.00</span>

Run the plugin, in the example below it was applied directly to any "span tag":

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
        delay: 10, // atraso de 10 ms
        time: 1000 // velocidade do contador de 1000 ms
  • face another doubt more I think I will have to open another topic more if "vc" enter again on the site above the effect I spoke there is a text in pink that keeps passing if you know "tbm" if there is a puglin for this

  • 1

    @Kirito I know this plugin: the example that appears on the main page can be edited to have the same effect as you want.

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