KEK (Key Encryption Key) what it is and how to use it correctly


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I was reading "Cryptography and Security: The official RSA guide" but I was limited to a few pages (if anyone has the PDF please share!!) and then I came across KEK and could not read more..

What it is and how to use it properly?

With everything I read is just a key that ensures the security of the original key, however I also read that passwords (user passwords) is not something very safe to use as it is easier to break and get the original key.. in the part that he explained that I could not read more (I was reading in the google Books preview)

1 answer


Key Encryption key (KEK)

Is used by the application to protect (encrypt/decrypt) other keys(e.g. TEK, TSK).

An example of use

If you have already used TEK and TSK keys to protect something, such as a session key, they should not be stored in clear, but encrypted with a KEK. Also, KEK should not be stored in the same location as the encryption keys it is encrypting.

In the image below a session key protects the data, and a key encryption key (KEK) protects the session key

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Here has a whole chapter of a book talking about it. It’s really cool and easy to understand :)

Code example:

Código rodando no servidor 1:
public string Data(){
    AES objeto = new AES();
    objeto.key= getkey(EncryptedDEK);
    //descriptografa os valores

public string getkey(string EncryptedDEK){
  // conecta ao servidor 2 e obtem o DEK

Código rodando no servidor 2
public string request(string encryptedDEK){
    //verificamos a requisição
    //descriptografamos a DEK que foi criptografada com KEK
   // e então retornamos o DEK descriptografado
  • explained but not deepened in the points, I will wait for more respotas, obg!!

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    That’s as much as I could make out. I hope you have more answers too.

  • 1

    Basically it’s used for this, I think if you want to go deeper into the subject you’ll have to read some scientific article or something like that :)

  • 1

    KEK should not be stored at all. The only thing stored is the generated salt.

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