Java / Android: how to view Stacktrace log


Viewed 514 times


How can I display the whole exception error code (Fullstacktrace) in Android Log?

try {
}catch (Exception e){

3 answers


I found a very practical way that I honestly didn’t know could be done like this.

try {
}catch (Exception e){
    Log.e(TAG, "Seu erro: ", e);    
  • 1

    Simply log in the exception and no relaunch it can leave the application in an indefinite state.

  • 2

    @Luiz Carvalho your answer was very useful, if you can mark it as accepted , so when other users view your question they see that you already have a correct answer and accept it for you.

  • 1

    Done @iTSangar :D


You can use it as follows:

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

  Log.e(TAG, "log de erro: ", e.getMessage());    
  Log.v(TAG, "log de verbose: ", e.getMessage());    
  Log.d(TAG, "log de debug: ", e.getMessage());    
  Log.i(TAG, "log de info: ", e.getMessage());    
  Log.w(TAG, "log de alerta: ", e.getMessage());  


Log.e(TAG, "log de erro: ",new RuntimeException("TAG meu erro"));    


I wear it like this:

Log.e("TAG", Log.getStackTraceString(e));

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