Insert dynamic filter into an Angularjs Expression


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I am trying to insert a dynamic filter according to a field of an object in the ng-grid. I tried so many ways and I couldn’t:

$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
    { displayName: 'entity.tipoPessoa', field: 'tipoPessoa'},
    { displayName: '', field: 'id', cellTemplate: '<div class=\"ngCellText\" ng-class=\"col.colIndex()\"><span ng-cell-text>[Insira o trecho de código aqui]</span></div>'},

Code snippet:

{{ row.entity.tipoPessoa == "F" ? | brCpf : | brCnpj }}

{{ row.entity.tipoPessoa == "F" ? " | brCpf" : " | brCnpj" }}

{{ row.entity.tipoPessoa == "F" ? "{{ | brCpf}}" : "{{ | brCnpj}}" }}

{{ row.entity.tipoPessoa == "F" ? {{ | brCpf}} : {{ | brCnpj}} }}

None of these ways worked. What’s the right way to do it? Should I try another approach?

  • Angular does not support operator ?. Use a span with ngIf. The filters brCpf, etc, are set and working correctly in a simple case? Which error got? What was expected? Any error in the console?

  • There was no error in the console, but it presented the string ( | brCpf) and not "ran it".

1 answer


I decided to create a custom filter, surely there must be another way of doing it, but I leave here the solution used:

app.filter('CpfCnpj', ['$filter', function($filter) {
    return function(CpfCnpj) {
        var cpfSize = 11;
        return CpfCnpj.length <= cpfSize ? $filter('brCpf')(CpfCnpj) : $filter('brCnpj')(CpfCnpj);

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