Whenever I open the eclipse, most of my projects go wrong... Error in something that has nothing to do with anything... For me to fix the error, just edit something in the project and save. Ready! Tidy mistake! But every time I start the eclipse is the same thing.. For example, I take a key, saved, then put dnv and already saved. Take out the error.. But as I said... Every time I open the eclipse of this. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you :D
NOTE: All my projects are in JAVA. I forgot to warn... I have an average of 20 projects. But most are small projects.
In which language does it happen? are many open projects?
– rray
All my projects are in JAVA. I forgot to tell you... I have an average of 20 projects. But most are small projects.
– Rafael
Put an image of these errors, that there can have various causes.... when the eclipse is opened there are several validations/checks in the source code of the various languages of the project, java, js, html, xml etc., the items marked in red can be from the validation delay. Try to leave some 3 projects open only and see if the 'error' persists.
– rray
In this case, this error -> http://prntscr.com/71m51a <- If I take out the semicolon, save and then put it back, just add the error
– Rafael
In the "Problems" tab there is a message explaining better what the error is about? Which?
– Math
Math, in the problem tab this doesn’t even show up... But for example: When I hover the mouse over the error only appears "Syntax error on token "}", { expected". All mistakes are almost like this... my friend already had this problem too, he had to reinstall the eclipse.
– Rafael