Problem with session_set_save_handler


Viewed 133 times


I’m using the session_set_save_handler to save the session to Mysql, but an error has been troubling me.

When I log in to IE with a user, then close the browser without giving logout and log into Chrome, I already log in with the IE user. That is, he is automatically logging in with another user’s session.

Follows my function:


GLOBAL $mysqli_link;

function _open($save_path, $session_name) {
    return true;

function _close() {
    return true;

function _read($id) {
    GLOBAL $mysqli_link;

    $id = hash('sha512', $id);

    $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("SELECT data FROM session WHERE  id = ? limit 1");
    $stmt->bind_param('i', $id);
    $result = $stmt->get_result();
    $num = $result->num_rows;

    if ($num>0) {
        $record = $result->fetch_assoc();
        return $record['data'];
        return '';

function _write($id, $data) {
    GLOBAL $mysqli_link;

    //echo session_id();

    $id = hash('sha512', $id);

    $access = time();

        $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("REPLACE INTO session VALUES (?,?,?)");
        $stmt->bind_param('sss', $id, $access, $data);

    return true;

function _destroy($id) {
    GLOBAL $mysqli_link;

    $id = hash('sha512', $id);

    $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("DELETE FROM session WHERE id = ?");
    $stmt->bind_param('i', $id);

function _clean($max) {
    GLOBAL $mysqli_link;
    $CurrentTime = time();

    //$old = time() - $max;
    //$stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("DELETE FROM session WHERE access < ?");

    $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("DELETE FROM session WHERE access + ? < ?");
    $stmt->bind_param('ss', $max, $CurrentTime);



----------------------------------------> EDITED

on the index.php page I have this:


 $user = $_SESSION["user"];

the intention here is to check if the person is logged in, if yes, send to page Welcome.php.

and in Welcome I have this to check if the user is really logged in to continue on the page:


if(empty($_SESSION["id"]) || empty($_SESSION["user"]))
  • Good evening, your code only presents a part, it is probable that if there is a logic flaw, it is where you started the session_start and other functions starting with session_. If you can report this to be possible to detect the problem.

  • hello @Guilhermenascimento! I edited the code with the part of the sessions, I’m doing something wrong in them?

  • Then the session_start is correct, tell me one thing, what the $save_path and the $sessin_name return in function _open($save_path, $session_name) {? On both browsers? I’ll try to play the code, but I’m not sure.

  • 1

    thank you @Guilhermenascimento! today I ended up discovering the error, it was simply the "i" in the bind param of the _read function select. the session passes a variable with letters and numbers. putting the "i" instead of the "s" it transformed the string into a number and was taking data from another session... anyway, a roll because of an "i" instead of the "s". Thank you so much for your help again!!!

  • What was the intention here? DELETE FROM session WHERE access + ? < ?

1 answer


I can jump in and say the problem is Replace Into used in your code.

Modify to:

if (empty($data)) {
    $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("INSERT INTO session VALUES (?,?,?)");
    $stmt->bind_param('sss', $id, $access, $data);

This was just a quick example. However, ideally you should check if there are any rows in the table with this id. If it exists, you update; if not, you enter.

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