Audio stream (Webradio)


Viewed 265 times


Good afternoon.

Excuse my ignorance, but how do I create a radio web (in a very rustic way, only for study purposes)?

My project is the following: I have a website that plays the audio and who accesses the site listens to this audio.

I have to wear nodejs,, which I must use?

I want to understand how this stream logic works.

From now on I’m obg.

  • if you just want to make a site play music, a plugin on the site already does that, or you raise a music server like the icecast?

  • What it would be like to "raise a music server" ?

  • Pedro this tutorial helped me with this problem, The solution Icecast is quite complete, you set up a service that will be made available on a port based on the playlist. This playlist you create based on a directory with your music files! Hugs

  • No site Subvisual Tutorial: HTML Audio Capture streaming to Node.js (no browser Extensions) by Gabriel Poca

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