Call EF entity by name and perform dynamic search


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In applying Windowsform that I am developing, I intend to create only one form standard for listing the records that will be called through the system registration menu.

That one form listing, and include, edit, and delete buttons from the selected record in the gridview, will have a dashboard for the user to mount their search expression in the records, which will be composed of COLUMN (combobox) + OPERATOR (larger, smaller, different, etc.) and VALUE, example DATE GREATER THAN 01/01/2015.

In my application I have 3 layers, Application, Business and Data.

The questions are as follows regarding how to structure this using :

  1. How to pass to the form listing my EF mapped class (table) a made that can be made any one, example products, suppliers, banks etc.

  2. Passed the EF class to the form research, how to go to my business layer and run the method of listing? I imagine in each business object would have to have a listing method with a name pattern?

  3. To create the search panel, after the user fills it will be executed and presented at gridview, how can I popular the combobox that the table column ratio?

  4. How can I mount the search dynamically by taking COLUMN + OPERATOR + VALUE?

  • Felipe, your question really seems too broad. I suggest posting each question separately, including your attempts to solve each problem.

  • Really the question is very broad, it would only be possible to answer with a solution practically ready for you to use. Try to implement it your way, and ask individual questions for every question that arises.

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