Fetch new value from a variable in Localstorage after returning to the view using $state.go();


Viewed 179 times


I have a view that uses a Localstorage variable called Entity.

/* Entity Service */ 
.factory('EntityService', function (){  
  return {
    getEntity : function(){
      return JSON.parse(window.localStorage['entity'] || false);

/* Route definition */
.state('app', {
  url: "/app",
  abstract: true,
  templateUrl: "templates/menu.html",
  controller: 'AppCtrl',
  resolve : {
    Entity : function(EntityService){
      return EntityService.getEntity();

/* AppCtrl*/
.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope,Entity) {
  $scope.model = {
   entity : Entity

/* AppCtrl (view) */    
<ion-view view-title="{{ model.entity.name }}">
        <div class="padding">Home</div>

/* EntitiesCtrl */
$scope.setEntity = function(entity){
  window.localStorage['entity'] = JSON.stringify(entity);

/* EntitiesCtrl (view)*/
<div class="list">      
  <a class="item item-thumbnail-left" ng-click="setEntity(entity)" ng-repeat="entity in model.entities">
    <img src="img/entities/{{ entity.logo }}">
    <h2>{{ entity.name }} - {{ entity.acronym }}</h2>
    <p>{{ entity.city.name }} - {{ entity.city.state.acronym }}</p>

The value of the variable Entity is changed within the Entities Controller, but when the $state.go('app.home') is called, the value of the variable is changed but the view continues with the old value of the variable.

{{ model.entity.name }}

When the $state.go('app.home') run, controller does not run again (checked with a console.log();).

What I need to do to make the controller search for the new variable value every time $state.go('app.home') is called?

2 answers


Since you haven’t shown where the Entities controller is being used, I believe you may be in a different state than app.home.

Therefore, I believe that what you want is the option reload of the method $state.go():

$state.go('app.home', null, {
    reload: true

With this, the controllers will be reloaded if they are already present in the current state/view.

Another way to do the same if you’re already in state app.home, is to use $state.reload() directly.


The bigger question is that you need to use the $window instead of window.


Test with the example above.

Use get,set and remove methods to manipulate data from localStorage.

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