C# Agenda of Commitments


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I need to make a schedule that will receive some appointments, and on the day of that appointment she will send a warning. Can someone show me some material, or path I need to start?

  • What kind of agenda? Do you have an example?

  • Will it be in Forms? Web? What will you use?

  • You use Forms , so , I have the agenda and for example , on Monday , I have such commitment , other commitment and the day that these commitments are he warns . The part about letting me know I’ll do it by email, I’ve got it ready, it was the part about recording and such :D

  • Search in Google about C# CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete), are the basic functions for you to be able to insert, read, update and delete records from your calendar. There are several articles about and videos on youtube.

  • Thank you ! I’m already finishing

  • You can use office 365’s calendar API as an inspiration: https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/api/calendar-rest-operations

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