You are trying to access a value whose index is not available on array. The example you posted is functional:
function extrai($string) {
$peca1 = explode('id="', $string);
$peca2 = explode('">', $peca1[1]);
return $peca2[0];
$string = '< ul class="artigo" id="artigo1">
< li>
< p>Art. 1º Salvo disposição contrária, a lei começa a vigorar em todo o país quarenta e cinco dias depois de oficialmente publicada.< /p>
< /li>
< /ul>';
echo extrai($string); // artigo1
Another way using the function preg_match
function obterID($string) {
$res = preg_match('~class="artigo" id="([\w]+)"~i', $string, $IDs);
if ($res)
return $IDs[1];
return "";
And to use in your code:
// $documento = file_get_contents($arquivo);
$linhasExpl = explode("<ul", $documento);
$linhas = "";
$postId = 100;
$titulo = "TÍTULO I";
$categoria = "constituicao-da-republica-federativa-do-brasil-de-1988";
foreach ($linhasExpl as $linha){
$data = date(DATE_RFC822);
$data2 = date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$tituloSlug = ObterID($linha);
if (empty($tituloSlug))
$linhas .= "<item>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<title>{$titulo}</title>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<link>http://localhost/votanalei/{$tituloSlug}</link>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<pubDate>{$data}</pubDate>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<dc:creator><![CDATA[ale]]></dc:creator>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<guid isPermaLink='false'>http://localhost/votanalei/?p={$postId}</guid>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<description></description>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul{$linha}]]></content:encoded>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<excerpt:encoded><![CDATA[]]></excerpt:encoded>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_id>{$postId}</wp:post_id>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_date>{$data2}</wp:post_date>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_date_gmt>{$data2}</wp:post_date_gmt>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:comment_status>open</wp:comment_status>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:ping_status>open</wp:ping_status>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_name>{$tituloSlug}</wp:post_name>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:status>publish</wp:status>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_parent>0</wp:post_parent>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:menu_order>0</wp:menu_order>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_type>post</wp:post_type>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:post_password></wp:post_password>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:is_sticky>0</wp:is_sticky>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<category domain='category' nicename='{$categoria}'><![CDATA[{$tituloCategoria}]]></category>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<category domain='post_tag' nicename='{$categoria}'><![CDATA[{$tituloCategoria}]]></category>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:postmeta>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:meta_key>_edit_last</wp:meta_key>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "<wp:meta_value><![CDATA[1]]></wp:meta_value>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "</wp:postmeta>" . "\r\n";
$linhas .= "</item>" . "\r\n";
$postId += 5;
$file = fopen("test.txt", "w");
$results = fwrite($file, $linhas);
If you’re right, why does this Undefined error offset: 1
– Alê Moraes
@Stories Why are you trying to access a value that is not available at that position of array. Take the example:
– stderr
Right, the value is not available at this position, but as I can access or correct the error
– Alê Moraes
does not show error, but in echo sai class="article"
– Alê Moraes
I want to extract the id of ul. And now I invert the function Function extract_unit($string) { $peca1 = explode('">', $string); $peca2 = explode('id="', $peca1[0]); Return $peca2[1]; } Now print the articles with echo, but it shows the Undefined offset error: 1, in the row Return $peca2[1];
– Alê Moraes
I’m trying to use, but, I don’t know how to implement in my code, which is at this link I don’t know how to use foreach, inside another foreach, to generate only one id per array
– Alê Moraes
No echo prints, but line 69 and 81 does not print
– Alê Moraes
@There must be that other problem of yours, of the other question, I tried to tidy up the code a little, see:, has a line that I left commented by not knowing how it should look, but just you arrange. =)
– stderr
Your genius!!!!!!!! kkkk It worked, man. showwww. But you know what the problem was?
– Alê Moraes
@Alêmoraes kkk, I think the
helped a lot. Well, if possible mark the answer as accepted. =)– stderr