JSP: Item page not found


Viewed 57 times


I am programming a page to inform you that the searched item has not been found. I wanted to know what I’m doing wrong and what would be a solution.

<c:forEach items="${proposta}" var="proposta">
            <img src="..." alt="..." class="img-circle">
            <c:if test="${proposta.getTitulo() == 'null'}">
                <h1>Página não Encontrada</h1>
                <label>Area de Interesse :</label>
            <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="proposta?id=${proposta.getId_proposta()}">Exibir proposta </a>
  • Why are you doing a foreach? Try to explain your question better.

1 answer


It shall be indicated in items the bean and the method, without the get at the beginning, which returns the list of proposals, example:


To show the result you do not need to use the get and even parentheses are not enough ${proposta.titulo}.

  • has q exports a JSTL Function library and then calls the length <c:when test="${fn:length(proposal) == 0 }"> <H3>No item found with this key</H3> </c:when>

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