Mysql group_concat() in Sqlserver


Viewed 6,106 times


I created a table for example:

I have the following content:

select * 
from table_t;

And I need to get the following result:

In Mysql I use the following query:

select group_concat(concat_ws(' - ',id,descri)) id_descri, tipo 
from table_t
group by tipo;

What about Sqlserver? Thank you!

  • Wouldn’t it be possible to do that on the app? For example, select the types, then loop the result and for each type select the descriptions and ids! I did this way with group_concat, but I’ve had problems of slowness with a very large table and maintenance was also more complicated.

  • Yes, it would be possible, as I know the feature in Mysql and for the sake of performance I prefer it to be in db itself.

  • I understood, but as for the question of performance, when I did this and had a lot of lines, the performance was much higher in the application itself, but then you should know how much to your side ai.

2 answers



SELECT tipo, STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, tipo) + ' - ' + descri
                    FROM table_t iT
                    WHERE iT.tipo = T.tipo
                    ORDER BY tipo
                    FOR XML PATH, TYPE).value('.[1]', 'NVARCHAR(max)'), 1, 2, '') AS id_descri
FROM table_t T

or more concise

SELECT tipo, STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, tipo) + ' - ' + descri
                    FROM table_t iT
                    WHERE iT.tipo = T.tipo
                    ORDER BY tipo
                    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') AS id_descri
FROM table_t T
  • I was curious about this answer because I wanted a style function group_concat()in Sql-Server. I could explain your reply @Bruno?

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