Error importing JDOM


Viewed 76 times



I’m following a tutorial to learn about a distributed Java Calculator.

However, I am having an import error from JDOM library, I already imported anyway: - Zipped - Archive by archive - Only the main file

But the error persists:

error: package org.jdom does not exist import org.jdom.Document;

Imagem contendo os erros

What am I doing wrong?


1 answer


For the package org.jdom you will need an older version of JDOM. See in the image below for the version 2.0.6 there is no package org.jdom, but org.jdom2:

Pacote na versão 2.0.6

The version 1.1.3 was the most recent I found that contains the package org.jdom. Here’s a screenshot of the version 1.1.3:

Pacote na versão 1.1.3

With the use of the version 1.1.3, if other errors, such as NoClassDefFoundError and LinkageError, you should test with lower versions than 1.1.3.

You can download the version 1.1.3 at this link: download.

Another solution is to change the imports in their classes of org.jdom for org.jdom2, if you want to use the latest version of the library.

  • It worked, thanks a lot. In this case, I used as you reported: org.jdom2 Hugs!

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